In 2007 I downloaded a plan from the Internet for a hive and bought my first box of bees. It didn't go well for me that summer but I learned what went right and what went wrong. I learned about top bar hives and how manipulating the frames in a traditional hive is much easier than a top bar hive. I learned that bees find their way into cheap beekeeping suits and are secretly joyful when I run about slapping at my veil to kill the bee before it stings me in the face.
In 2009 I got a little bigger and got a little more comfortable which has been the motif as time goes by. Get a little more comfortable and get a little bigger and keep learning.
Today, I have over 26 colonies throughout DuPage County.
I ran into an old friend who makes beeswax candles and sells a little honey and soon after, I ran into an older friend who makes all natural health and beauty products. The three of us working together are able to bring the best we have to offer to our organically inclined customers.
We're located in leafy green DuPage County in Illinois. My hives are placed in people's back yards, located in the treelines next to cornfields, buried in forested landscapes throughout the county. This variety of forage base for the honey bees means the honey they produce has more flavor.
Zach of Zax BeesWax is the king of all things candle on this site. Colleen Barry is the queen of the health and beauty pages.
My wife Beth and I thank you for dropping by. Suggestions, comments, and criticisms are always welcome. Be sure to drop us a line or sign up for our newsletter.
Tom and Beth Allen
74 S. Glenview
Lombard, IL 60148